Afif Abad (Golshan Garden)

This garden is located in Afif Abad Street of Shiraz and it is in disposal of Army. This complex consists of a royal palace, one of the largest museums of arms and a Persian Garden which they are open to the public.

In this museum there are very precious arms such as:  Fath Ali Shah, Naser-e- Din Shah, Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah guns, machine-gun of Reis Ali Delvari.

Afif Abad Garden has the area of 127000 Meters square. This garden was one of the important gardens for kings of Safavid and was used as a resort.

During Qajar dynasty, Mirza Ali Khan Qavam-o-Almolk bought this garden and restored it and built a beautiful mansion in it.

At the end of Qajar era, this garden transferred to a lady called Afifeh and because she made a lot of improvments and changes in this garden, this garden named after her and called Afif Abad Garden.