Sa’dabad Complex

Palace and Museum of Melat (White Palace)

Palace and Museum of Melat (White Palace) with 5000 square meters is the largest palace of Saadabad complex. Because of using white color its view, this palace is noun as White Palace and it was the summer resident of Second Pahlavi Shah and his wife Farah.

Melat Palace consists of 54 different parts such as: 10 large ceremonial halls that all of them are inspired from European palaces, especially French aristocratic style.

Green Palace and Museum (Shahvand Palace)

Shahvand Palace, recently called “The Green Palace and Museum”, surly is one of the most beautiful palaces in Iran. The formerly building was a half storey palace belonging to “Ali Khan Waali”, one of the famous Qajar landowners and Reza khan bought it on 1922 with the price of 7000 Tomans.

The reason to call it as Green Palace is using unique green stones from Khamse mines in Zanjan on its façade and using lead in the materials to prevent breaking the stones because of weather changes.

Royal Garment Museum

This building was actually the summer palace of Shams Pahlavi, the sister of Mohamad Reza Shah which was built on 1935.

After Shah Pahvali moved to her private palace in Karaj on 1963, this edifice became a place for keeping precious objects and vessels and also private museum of royal gifts which were mostly the foreign presents.

On 2009 it became the Royal Garment Museum.

Mir Emad calligraphy Museum  

This museum is located in one the old building of Saadabad complex. It belongs to the end of 19th  and 20th century. The building was the resident of two of Mohamad Reza Pahlavi children ( Alireza and Farahnaz).

After revolution it was abandoned until 1997 and then it became calligraphy museum and named after the greatest calligraphists of 17th century  Mir Emad Al-Hosseini Sefi Qazvini.

Hossein Behzad Museum

According to a contract between Cultural Heritage organization and the son of Hossein Behzad, 289 of his artworks was given to this organization for establishing a museum in the name of “Ostad Hossein Behzad” . The Museum was officially inaugurated on 1994 on the occasion of Ostad Hossein Behzad one hundredth anniversary.

This museum located in Sa’dabad complex, is in an edifice constructed in Qajar era and named “ Karbasi palace” during Pahlavi and was used as the office and resting place of Reza Pahlavi.


The other visiting sites in Sa’dabaad complex are as followed:

Court Weapon and Arms Museum

Royal Kitchen Museum

Omidvar Brothers Museum

Nations Art Museum

Fine Arts Museum

Ostad Farshchiyan Museum

Water Museum